Lost in a fantasy

January 2, 2014

 (lipstick: YSL - €30,15)

My uncle gave me a gift card from Ici Paris XL for New Year and knowing me, I had to spend it as soon as possible, haha. I chose a lipstick from Yves Saint Laurent and I absolutely love it! It tastes like peach, looks amazing and it makes your lips feel so soft. Let's not focus on the price for a minute and just adore it. It looks a bit more orange in 'real life' (the picture makes it look red), but I love it! I can't wait to wear it to school or to festive occasions. This is one of my favourite lipsticks right now, together with the one my aunt got me from MAC (see me wearing it here). What's your favorite brand of lipsticks? xxx Nausikaä

Join the conversation!

  1. It looks so beautiful!

  2. het ziet er echt heel mooi uit! ik draag zelf geen lippenstift, maar dit zou denk ik wel mooi zijn

  3. waauw, pretty pretty!


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Lost in a fantasy

January 2, 2014

 (lipstick: YSL - €30,15)

My uncle gave me a gift card from Ici Paris XL for New Year and knowing me, I had to spend it as soon as possible, haha. I chose a lipstick from Yves Saint Laurent and I absolutely love it! It tastes like peach, looks amazing and it makes your lips feel so soft. Let's not focus on the price for a minute and just adore it. It looks a bit more orange in 'real life' (the picture makes it look red), but I love it! I can't wait to wear it to school or to festive occasions. This is one of my favourite lipsticks right now, together with the one my aunt got me from MAC (see me wearing it here). What's your favorite brand of lipsticks? xxx Nausikaä


  1. It looks so beautiful!

  2. het ziet er echt heel mooi uit! ik draag zelf geen lippenstift, maar dit zou denk ik wel mooi zijn

  3. waauw, pretty pretty!


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