Vanilla wishes

October 8, 2014

I found this heavenly smelling perfume in H&M yesterday and I just had to take it home with me. The adorable bottle suits the smell of the perfume amazingly good. The perfume has got a coconut and vanilla scent that lasts for a really long time. I can't wait to wear it more often and use it instead of a deodorant as it's more pleasant to wear. I actually never tried any H&M perfumes before but if I keep loving this one as much as I do now, I don't know what will stop me from buying more of them. Have you tried any H&M perfumes before?

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  1. looks great:)! nice post:) please visit me in free time:)

  2. Anonymous2:35 AM

    I love both of those scents, so together I bet they smell amazing!

    24 Hours From Home - Travel, Adventures and Beauty


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Vanilla wishes

October 8, 2014

I found this heavenly smelling perfume in H&M yesterday and I just had to take it home with me. The adorable bottle suits the smell of the perfume amazingly good. The perfume has got a coconut and vanilla scent that lasts for a really long time. I can't wait to wear it more often and use it instead of a deodorant as it's more pleasant to wear. I actually never tried any H&M perfumes before but if I keep loving this one as much as I do now, I don't know what will stop me from buying more of them. Have you tried any H&M perfumes before?


  1. looks great:)! nice post:) please visit me in free time:)

  2. Anonymous2:35 AM

    I love both of those scents, so together I bet they smell amazing!

    24 Hours From Home - Travel, Adventures and Beauty


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